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You know where you're going but are still struggling to commit to the journey. You may be experiencing self doubt, impostor syndrome,  perfectionistic tendencies, or analysis paralysis and need some help overcoming these barriers. With the Action Momentum Session, we'll get to the root of what's holding you back, develop the mindset required to launch yourself into the unknown, and create a clear Action Plan with tangible metrics to keep you on track as you move forward.

For Freelancers, Creatives, and Entrepreneurs, this will be specifically tailored to address barriers for client pitching and acquisition, money and pricing, marketing and  storytelling, and the creative process.

Acceleration - Momentum Session

Excluding Sales Tax
  • - A 25 question Review Questionnaire to prep our session
    - A 2hr session with a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach
    - Your unique Action Plan for 2022
    - 2 months of weekly accountability check ins to overcome barriers
    - 45min Accountability Session 2 months later
    - Unlimited access to The Collective, a member-only group for fellow adventurous folks with free workshop and event access

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