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Note: This is a presale for the Photographer Contract. You will get an email with the contract on October 31st.


Contracts are the only way to legally protect you and your business, even if you only work with the best intentioned clients and well-laid plans.


The bonus? They also give you the confidence to push back against boundaries being crossed, scopes of work being changed, and payments coming in late.


Think about it: When was the last time you wished you had something in writing to explain to a client why "their way" won't work? How do you tell someone that they can't use your work for other purposes after you hand it over? What do you do if your client doesn't get you what you need in time to bring a project to life?


Protect yourself, your business, your time and your effort with a solid legal contract. That means one written by a practicing, professional attorney-- not one that a friend of a friend's lawyer's cousin got you, or one you cobbled together yourself.


This photographer's contract includes:

  • Your Contract Field Guide to help you customize the template to you and your business, decide what to change, how to stay up to date, etc.

  • A video lesson to cover FAQs and how to make the template yours (plus a written version if video isn't your jam)


It's perfect for:

  • New freelance photographers wanted to start on the right foot
  • Seasoned freelance photographers who've run into issues with client agreements in the past (or who've snuck by without a solid contract at all!)
  • Photographers in all niches: portrait, event, landscape, product, aerial, fashion, sports, corporate, wildlife and more


Meet the attorney: Kat O'Neill!


Katherine O'Neill is a small business attorney who specializes in working with freelancers, creatives, coaches, and consultants. A business owner herself since 2015, Katherine is ideally positioned to help clients use written agreements to protect yourself, and to prevent legal problems from arising in the future.


She knows better than anyone that having your own insightful and strong contract, and using written agreements throughout your business is essential to flourishing as a freelancer and small business owner, which is why she is so excited to provide contract templates specifically designed for the outdoor industry through her legal education business, Chicky.


Why get a contract from Kat and Justine?

  • It's trustworthy; this contract was drafted by a licensed small business attorney.
  • It's tried and tested by other freelancers.
  • You'll receive a step-by-step guide to personalize the document.
  • You'll get the contract in multiple formats for easy editing.

Photographer Legal Contract

Excluding Sales Tax
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